The Finnish Documentary Guild
Finnish Documentary Guild strives for promoting documentary film as an independent field of art Oversees the benefits of the people working with documentary films Represents documentary film in discussions and decision making Strives for the better knowledge and visibility of documentary films Brings together the different documentary film makers Acts as an representative and expert of Finnish documentary film The Guild organizes documentary film screenings and events in Finland and abroad; festival trips, discussions and workshops. The Guild organizes a regular cine club in Helsinki, consisting of screenings and discussions on phenomena related to documentary films. Also international meetings with film makers from different cultures have been organised since the beginning. The Guild organizes excursions to festivals abroad. The Finnish Documentary Guild pleads for the Finnish documentary film making by taking a stand on current issues dealing with the industry. Furthermore, the Guild has functioned as a background organization for DocPoint - Helsinki Documentary Film Festival and has also succeeded in establishing a category for Finnish documentary films in the yearly "Jussit" Finnish Film Awards.
The Finnish Documentary Guild is a member of Documentary Association of Europe DAE.
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